Reading List

a list of books I read

I love books! Here are some I’m reading now:

  1. PlatinumGames Nier Automata
  2. CD Projekt Red Witcher 3
  3. PlayDead Inside
  4. Capcom Devil May Cry Series
  5. PlatinumGames Bayonetta
  6. Gearbox Software Borderland Series
  7. Valve Left4Dead Series
  8. Clover Studio Okami
  9. Naughty Dog Crash Team Racing
  10. Valve Counter Strike Global Offensive
  11. Runic Games Hob
  12. Lizard Cube Wonder Boy: The Dragon’s Trap
  13. Hi-Rez Paladins
  14. Rain Games World to the West
  15. Atmos Games Pin Strip
  16. Wizet Maple SEA
  17. BioWare Dragon Age Inquisition
  18. Ninja Theory DmC: Devil May Cry
  19. Psyonix Rocket League
  20. Mojang Minecraft
  21. Rockstar Grand Theft Auto V
  22. Nintendo Pokemon Series
  23. High Moon Studios Dead Pool

ps: Yes, you are right. Those title are definitely not books. I love games story line though.