Reading List
a list of books I read
I love books! Here are some I’m reading now:
- PlatinumGames Nier Automata
- CD Projekt Red Witcher 3
- PlayDead Inside
- Capcom Devil May Cry Series
- PlatinumGames Bayonetta
- Gearbox Software Borderland Series
- Valve Left4Dead Series
- Clover Studio Okami
- Naughty Dog Crash Team Racing
- Valve Counter Strike Global Offensive
- Runic Games Hob
- Lizard Cube Wonder Boy: The Dragon’s Trap
- Hi-Rez Paladins
- Rain Games World to the West
- Atmos Games Pin Strip
- Wizet Maple SEA
- BioWare Dragon Age Inquisition
- Ninja Theory DmC: Devil May Cry
- Psyonix Rocket League
- Mojang Minecraft
- Rockstar Grand Theft Auto V
- Nintendo Pokemon Series
- High Moon Studios Dead Pool
ps: Yes, you are right. Those title are definitely not books. I love games story line though.